Posts : 27 Points : 38 Reputation : 1 Join date : 2012-04-19 Age : 29
Subject: Spikey read this please! Mon May 07, 2012 12:46 pm
Spikey, I heard you say to 'Ftwownage' when he got a Perfect ring by donating, that he wasn't aloud to ever use it in front of someone. Well he did. He used his perfect ring to hit a 990 on Weenipyjones.
Trying to get someone in trouble, btw weenipy did not care as he had nothing.
Posts : 27 Points : 38 Reputation : 1 Join date : 2012-04-19 Age : 29
Subject: Re: Spikey read this please! Fri May 11, 2012 10:49 am
Well, if he didn't care, why did he come to tell me that you did that? Then I told him that I was going to make a topic about it on forums and he was like 'ok (:'.